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13 may 2024

It’s quite a showcase for Valence-en-Poitou-based start-up FiltraLife Solution: the designers of a machine for making water drinkable were awarded a gold medal at the Concours Lépine on Friday May 10 in Paris, a veritable institution for inventions of all kinds. We’re really pleased,” says co-founder Auguste Minot, “it’s the reward for over a year’s hard work on the project. Our idea has been validated by the thousands of people who came to see us on our stand, and by this gold medal. It’s a first big added value and then, I hope, recognition on a national level, because we have a product made in France.”

Purifying initially non-potable water

The machine he built with his father Paul uses a lever system and several filters to purify initially non-drinkable water, all without chemicals. “It allows treatment of bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides”, explains Auguste Minot. Conclusive tests had been carried out with water from the Marne, one of the most polluted rivers in France.

“Individuals are increasingly concerned about the quality of their water: above all, people want a high-quality, maintenance-free product,” notes Auguste Minot. We’re going to be able to treat and purify the water in a home’s entire network.” This could be particularly useful, stresses the co-founder of FiltraLife Solution, in communes experiencing water network problems, as was recently the case in the Sud-Vienne: “with our system,” concludes Auguste Minot, “people could continue to drink their water with peace of mind.”

More information: Une machine poitevine – concours Lépine – France Bleu

5 may 2024

The Foire de Paris opened its doors in Paris, and of course the BFMTV teams met the inventors of the Lépine competition. One of this year’s main trends was ecological inventions. No more plastic bottles to drink better water!

🔬 The 2024 edition of the Foire de Paris showcased inventions that address current environmental issues, presented at the Concours Lépine.

💧 The science of FiltraLife: Dive into the fascinating world of FiltraLife. A home filtration device that purifies tap water and rids it of contaminants. A solution to say goodbye to plastic bottles and significantly reduce plastic pollution.

Further information: Foire de Paris: les inventions écologiques

31 april 2024

French start-up Filtralife has invented a machine capable of making contaminated fresh water drinkable, even with pesticides. The machine works without electricity or chemicals. The water passes through a series of filters. Membranes block bad particles and preserve minerals.

Filtralife, created by Auguste Minot and supported by the family business founded by Paul Minot, is a viable and effective solution for transforming any water source, even the most polluted, into drinking water. Although it didn’t win the Tech For Futur 2024 competition, Filtralife’s potential impact on the health, education and quality of life of people in developing countries is undeniable.

Filtralife is not just a product, it’s a call to action to tackle one of the most important challenges of our time: ensuring that every person on the planet has access to clean drinking water. Through innovation, dedication and collaboration, Filtralife is laying the foundations for a future where clean, safe water is a reality accessible to all.

Find out more about Filtralife: Filtralife, El Invento Francés

30 april 2024

“It treats viruses and bacteria, heavy metals, hydrocarbons and chemical residues,” say Paul and Auguste Minot. A simple lever is used to prime a pump and start the filtration process. Up to 1,300 liters can be purified in an hour, say the two inventors: “Our machine weighs 80 kg and requires little maintenance. The filters have to be changed every 3 to 5 years. Depending on the conditions of use, a simple monthly or fortnightly cleaning of the filters is sufficient”, explains Auguste Minot.

Up to 1,300 liters purified in an hour

The innovation developed by FiltraLife Solution is priced at 6,900 euros, excluding tax. Paul Minot intends to target associations, NGOs and governments in order to deploy this machine in the most arid areas or those with no access to drinking water.

For further information: Virus, bactéries, métaux lourds – Le Parisien

28 april 2024
SAS Filtralife Solution employees Team for the Planet shareholders
What if, like SAS Filtralife Solution, you were fighting climate change on a large scale?


For more information: SAS Filtralife Solution | Team for the Planet

21 april 2024

Filtralife transforms all types of water into drinking water. Ensure a reliable water supply with our portable, mechanical solution, capable of making almost any surface water drinkable without the use of chemicals, electricity or electronics. This system can treat up to 1000 liters per hour. Benefit from a long-lasting, reliable solution. A simple monthly cleaning is all it takes to keep your tool at peak performance for years to come. Certified by a Ministry of Public Health-approved laboratory.

Innovative features

Makes all surface water potable for human consumption, operates without electrical power or chemicals, can treat 1300 liters per hour, is easily transportable, and has no consumables. Machine perfectly suited to temporary armies and hospitals in times of war, natural disasters, fires or worsening effects of climate change.

For further information: Filtralife Solution – EUROSATORY

12 april 2024

The FiltraLife machine, designed by French engineer Paul Minot, transforms polluted water into drinking water without the need for electrical power or chemicals.

Paul Minot, founder of the French company FiltraLife, has developed a machine capable of making water drinkable in a matter of seconds. Named FiltraLife, this invention, patented in June 2023, operates manually and can treat around 1,000 liters of water per hour without the need for electricity or chemicals. Analyses, carried out using water from the Marne, one of the most polluted rivers in France, have confirmed the machine’s ability to produce water of superior quality, meeting potability criteria.

For further information: FiltraLife | briefstory

12 april 2024

In France, when we want drinking water, all we have to do is turn on a tap and it’s flowing. Around the world, however, it’s a different story… One in four people do not have access to safe drinking water, according to a UNICEF report published in 2020. This global public health problem cannot be solved immediately, but a French invention, the Filtralife, could do its bit. Auguste Minot, founder and inventor of this device for filtering unsanitary water, defended his innovation at the Tech For Futur competition. The results were announced on March 28, and Filtralife is not among the 2024 winners. Nevertheless, that won’t stop us from letting you discover this ingenious system. Find out more.

Find out more: Filtralife – NeozOne

8 april 2024

A telecoms engineer and entrepreneur since 2012, after a year of research and development, he finally succeeded in designing THE right filtration system. His approach, entirely self-financed, is full of pragmatism. There was no question of using chemistry or electronics: “I wanted a simple, mobile and entirely mechanical solution. A machine that doesn’t break down. So it’s all based on a combination of filters that eliminate all residues of unhealthy products (micro-bacteria, heavy metals, chlorine, traces of drugs, as well as all pesticides…). The patent was filed in June 2023, and Filtralife was launched.

Further information: Filtralife

5 april 2024

Would you drink water from the Marne? Seeing its color and smelling its odor, it’s doubtful you’d risk it. But a French engineer has succeeded in making this water drinkable thanks to his machine called Filtralife. With its multiple filters, it captures all pollutants and particles.
Clearly, this machine made in France could solve the crucial problem of access to drinking water on Earth. “Two billion people in the world have no access to it. Yet some of them live next to rivers…” recalls Paul Minot, who financed Filtralife with his own personal funds. “I had the idea at 11pm. I was in bed and nudged my wife, telling her I’d found a way to make water drinkable. I started working on it the very next day,” he explains. It took a year of research and development to create Filtralife.

Further information:


25 march 2024

It’s a solution almost too good to believe. Last September, Poitou-based start-up Filtralife launched a machine capable of making polluted fresh water drinkable, even if it’s contaminated with pesticides. An innovation that is attracting interest in France and abroad. Filtralife is in the national finals of the Tech For Futur competition.

Drinking water from the Dive in Valence-en-Poitou (Vienne) requires a little physical strength and a lot of ingenuity. Demonstration: cup in hand, Auguste Minot approaches the water’s edge. “You simply fill the reservoir: you activate the system with this crank, and then you take a glass, turn on the tap, and the water comes out instantly drinkable.”

The machine, created by the young man, works without electricity or chemicals. The water passes through a succession of filters. Membranes block bad particles and preserve minerals. “We’re on a mix of nano filtration and reverse osmosis. We’re really going to retain all bacteria and viruses. Unlike other solutions, we’ll keep the minerals that are essential to life.”

Validated by science

This method has been tested in a laboratory set up in Poitiers and approved by the French Ministry of Health. Professor emeritus at the University of Poitiers and a specialist in water quality and treatment, Bernard Legube put Auguste Minot’s machine to the scientific test. His challenge: to make water from the Marne river drinkable.

More information:

15 February 2024

The invention, patented in June 2023, has “real potential”, admits Bernard Legube, Professor Emeritus at the University of Poitiers, who met Paul Minot at the end of 2023 in La Rochelle. For this expert in the field of drinking water and its treatment, the machine can help populations around the world who have no access to drinking water. 

It can still supply a village, a neighbourhood, a community,” he says. This machine brings together different types of treatment to produce top-quality water from groundwater or surface water of average or mediocre quality, for a small flow and to supply a population in times of drought or crisis, for example. Whether in Mayotte, to take an example from the French overseas departments and territories, or in times of war, natural disaster, fire, or the aggravated effects of global warming, it’s still a good solution, especially as it requires no energy or chemicals.”

Bernard Legube notes, however, that the machine cannot handle large quantities of water at present. “It has a capacity of around one thousand litres per hour. That’s not insignificant, but it can’t supply a city like Poitiers, for example. “

To operate the machine, raw water is poured into a tank. The water then passes through several filters, the last of which is extremely fine, and emerges potable. “It’s odourless, tasteless, colourless and, above all, of excellent quality. 

We carried out several studies with a laboratory in Poitou, and it meets all the criteria for drinking water with flying colours,” continues Paul Minot. The analyses were carried out using water from the Marne, one of the most polluted rivers in France.

More information:

7 February 2024

After a year, we are in the marketing phase. Our target is people who don’t have access to drinking water, but the way to reach them is through governments, armies, NGOs and multinationals. They are our customers. Our machine is therefore not sold individually. We only want to sell it in containers.

FiltraLife is 80% manufactured by a metallurgical plant located 40 minutes from Valence-en-Poitou. The rest is assembled here by two employees who can make 16 machines a day. We can aim for 320 machines a month with just two employees. And if we get bigger orders, we can adapt.

We are being approached by major groups in Europe. Last summer, some French mayors contacted me. For the moment, we’re not selling the machine individually, but if several mayors get together to place a joint order, why not?

More information: https://leplus.reportersdespoirs.

31 January 2024

In this exciting episode of FiltraLife, we’re honored to welcome an eminent scientist whose illustrious career has been dedicated to the water industry. Join us as we dive into an enriching conversation about the transformative power of FiltraLife and the revolutionary science behind it.

🔬 Meet the expert: Get to know our esteemed guest, a leading authority in the water industry. We explore his remarkable journey, uncovering the milestones that have marked his distinguished career in making water safe and accessible to all.

💧 The science of FiltraLife: Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of FiltraLife. We reveal the complex scientific principles that make FiltraLife a game-changer in water filtration.

More information:

30 January 2024

He is surprised and, by his own admission, does not yet have “all the academic explanations” for this performance. Bernard Legube, professor emeritus at the University of Poitiers and a recognized expert in water treatment, is categorical: “This machine is capable of producing drinking water, without electrical energy, without combustion, and without chemicals.”

Perplexed when he first saw a demonstration last September, the former director of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs (Ensi) in Poitiers took a close interest in this innovation. Independently. Since then, he’s been stunned. And all the analytical results produced by the Poitiers laboratory Ianesco point in the same direction. Just imagine! 
A sample of water from the Marne, even more polluted than the Seine, was recently filtered by this miracle machine. The result? 
All 500 particles analyzed were in the green.

More information:

26 January 2024

La Tribune brings together the best experts and travels the length and breadth of France in search of the startups that will meet the major economic, societal and climate challenges of the coming decade. France’s biggest tech event, Tech for Future continued its tour of France’s future innovations in Bordeaux on Friday January 26, following an initial stopover in Toulouse. The principle: to crown six startups in each region, one in each category: Environment & Energy, Industry, Data & AI, Smart tech (innovations in usage), Health and Start (seed-stage nuggets). 26 startups from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region pitched their innovations to a panel of professionals. In addition to La Tribune, our partners Mission French Tech, Bpifrance, Business France, BNP Paribas, Dalkia, BeTomorrow and MamaWorks were all members of the jury.

More information:

23 January 2024

“I run a telecoms company in a small village in the south of the Vienne department. I designed the premises in an eco-constructed way to heat them at a lower cost, and installed a rainwater harvesting system to supply flushing toilets, washing machines etc. I wanted to push the envelope and make the rainwater drinkable. With my engineering brain, I wanted to push the envelope and make rainwater potable. That’s what led me to create FiltraLife.

It’s designed not to break down: entirely mechanical, it works without electricity or electronics. Intended for low-income populations, it has no consumables to change, which would have to be repurchased. Our aim, in all modesty, is to provide a solution in regions where people have no access to drinking water. And that’s the case for two billion people in the world today.”

Paul Minot.

More information: https://vivant-le-

2 January 2024

On November 23rd, we had the opportunity to participate in a conference organized by La Maison de l’Afrique, a platform dedicated to the exchange and promotion of African economies, cultures, and arts, founded in 1974.

The conference, led by Mr. Youssouf Camara, the director of La Maison de l’Afrique, highlighted the crucial importance of access to water, a challenge we face daily.

Air Water Africa was also there, represented by their CEO Alain Léon, introducing us to their technologies centered around atmospheric condensation and reverse osmosis systems.

To learn more about La Maison de l’Afrique :

28 December 2023

Could a simple, robust, mobile machine make water that isn’t drinkable? Paul Minot, an engineer and company director based in Valence-en-Poitou, didn’t just imagine it. He actually designed it.

After ten months’ work, the prototype of this machine is now operational. A patent application has been filed. Filtralife Solution has just been created. Having acquired solid international experience, particularly in Africa, Paul Minot intends to set up a workshop in his 1,000 m2 premises in Valence-en-Poitou, capable of producing sixteen machines a day to meet needs he knows to be immense: “Worldwide, two billion people have no access to drinking water. There are countries that have water but can’t drink it. More than a million people die every year because they drink polluted water.”

Paul Minot

More information: https://www.lanouvellerepubliqu

6 November 2023

Weighing in at 60 kilos, this machine can be moved around quite easily. “I wanted a solution that was simple, nomadic and entirely mechanical. A machine that doesn’t break down,” its inventor told La Nouvelle République.

Paul Minot has just applied for a patent for his solution, and has set up the company FIltralife Solution to develop it. He hopes to offer his devices at a price of 6,900 euros to governments, NGOs and multinationals in countries where access to drinking water is problematic. The machine could also be of interest to the armed forces, providing clean water to troops in any terrain, hospitals in underserved areas or schools. It could also be useful in the event of a natural disaster, temporarily rendering water unsafe in the affected geographical area. Its inventor has already thought about how he will package it. “It won’t be sold individually, but by container. In a 40-foot container, you can put 47”, he told the local newspaper.

More information:

28 August 2023

It’s a well-known fact that it’s in times of crisis that inventions flourish. Right now, we’ve got no water, but we’ve got ideas. Even in mainland France. With his brain racing, Paul Minot, a telecoms engineer who supplies sub-Saharan Africa, has been working on an easy-to-use concept to make water drinkable. Like a beer tapping machine, a turn of the crank and the blue gold becomes pure. There’s no other energy source for a process that he promises will be simple to use and maintain.

Echoes of the Mayotte prefect’s press conference announcing restrictive measures having made the rounds of Planet France, he contacted us to tell us he had THE solution through his Filtra Life, named after the company he set up.

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