Instantly transform your water into a drinkable solution.

Rivers, lakes, wells, rainwater, ponds, streams...

Large volume water filter

+ 2 Billion

Access to clean water is a major issue for many people around the world.

According to the WHO and UNICEF, 2.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water, which is 30% of the world’s population. Among these people, 159 million continue to drink untreated surface water drawn from rivers or lakes.

Families are being decimated and waterborne diseases are continually increasing. It is our duty to participate in this mission and no longer be mere spectators.

Latest news

We were present at the latest edition of the Lépine competition at the Parc d’Exposition in Paris.

Discover the FiltraLife solution in 3 minutes

Filtration capacity of
1,300 liters of water per hour

Certified by a laboratory approved by the French Ministry of Public Health

Designed and made in France

French-designed water filter
Lire la vidéo sur French-designed water filter

FiltraLife analysed by scientist Bernard Legube

Lire la vidéo

FiltraLife transforms any type of water into drinkable water.

1. Innovative system

Secure your water supply with our mobile and mechanical solution, capable of making almost all water drinkable without the use of chemicals.

2. No electronics

Ensure flawless performance. Devoid of electrical or electronic components, FiltraLife guarantees quality operation without obsolescence.

3. No maintenance

Benefit from a durable and reliable solution. A simple monthly cleaning is enough to keep your tool at its peak performance for several years.

Certified by an approved laboratory.

French-manufactured water filtration machine.svg


Ministry approvals

Since 1973, IANESCO has been accredited by the ministries responsible for the environment (for water and atmospheric emissions) and health.

A solution for everyone.

Contact us now to discuss your needs.


Armed forces





Durable water filter

17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been established.

They cover the full range of development issues in all countries, such as climate, biodiversity, energy, water, poverty, gender equality, economic prosperity, peace, agriculture, education, and more.

Source: United Nations – French Government.


Clean water
and sanitation

Did you know?

The consequences of consuming non-potable water can be severe and pose serious health risks.

Waterborne diseases

Drinking contaminated water can lead to waterborne diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, hepatitis, and cholera. These diseases can be serious and result in complications, especially in young children, pregnant women, and elderly individuals.

Nutritional deficiencies

Drinking contaminated water can lead to a deficiency in nutrients such as minerals and vitamins, which can adversely affect the overall well-being of an individual.

Impaired child development

When children consume contaminated water, it can compromise their growth and development, leading to below-average height and weight.

Risks during pregnancy

Pregnant women who consume contaminated water may face risks to their health and that of their baby, including the risk of miscarriage and waterborne diseases.


The lack of access to clean water can create conflicts and social disparities between different communities and even within a community.